Dogs and cats are not "dumb" animals; they just don't vocalize in a language we understand. RB

Monday, March 1, 2010

Join Wendy Nan Rees & her guest Liz Mitten Ryan on Wendy's Animal Talk, Tuesday March 2nd, 2010

Announcement - March 1st, 2010

Ruthie Bently
Executive Producer & Media Contact
Wendy's Animal Talk

Please Join Wendy Nan Rees for a Wendy’s Animal Talk Interview, with Liz Mitten Ryan and the Herd

Average listeners for Wendy's Animal Talk show are 414,864.
We will be discussing the topic of 2012 and the messages the horses, animals and the earth have to share.

At Gateway 2 Ranch in B.C. Canada, the sixteen horses (and steer) run as a wild herd on 320 acres of grassland yet return each morning to report for work. The horses' job is changing lives. In three years they have co-authored four books and won numerous book awards including the coveted Nautilus Award in company with Deepak Chopra, Ekhardt Tolle and the Dali Llama.

The books and subsequent workshops, which are attended by people from all over the world, are healing minds and bodies with a new understanding of connection and oneness. The horses, steer, dogs and cats, and the powerful land itself are the healers and have an important message for the world.

There is only one consciousness, one force of love that connects us all. When we experience that we are instantly and forever changed….

To view the video ‘EQUINISITY’ and ‘One With the Herd’ please visit

To listen to the show live(or archived) visit:


“I first met Liz two years ago after I was diagnosed with cancer. When I visited the ranch and spent time quietly with the herd, it was the most important decision I have ever made. I began to experience the most
incredible (and at the time, frightening)symptoms that told me I was healing right there in their midst. A month later I went for new tests and was told that there was no sign of the tumor I had previously been told was likely fatal”.
- Carol Upton

“I found this vision quest workshop to be the most "complete life altering /awareness awakening experience”, giving me such physical and spiritual freedom that I can not help but move forward in my life to fulfill my God Given life purpose. Living all my dreams and desires with pure passion. Thank you Liz, and Gateway 2 for this one of a kind gift.”
Love + Light
- Michele

“…It becomes so crystal clear upon "returning to normal" that the lessons from Gateway 2 are going to continue to unfold....almost daily I want to run back and say "OMG I get it!" I know the friends made (human, animal, spirit and nature), the lessons learned, and my profoundly changed way of walking on this earth will be with me always as a result of my time at G2.”
- Gina Morro

“I have had two compressed discs, complete with permanent bruising and consequent suffering with constant back pain for twelve years. All this has completely disappeared through the EARTH healing experience at Gateway 2 Ranch”.
- Susan Burgess

“Gateway 2 Ranch is a magical adventure playground for the soul!”
- XX Jane Reid

“I am sixty-nine and had a very old neck and knee injury. Both disappeared through the healing sessions at these life changing workshops”.
- Carol Ferguson

Attending the ultimate life-illuminating retreat just became so much more accessible. To begin your journey, visit Don't forget to book a friend to save 15% off!

To view and rate the new Equinisity Video on YouTube, visit
To learn more about all of the books or to order, visit

Please tell your friends. I can promise you a thought provoking interview. 

If you would like to take a Gateway 2 Ranch journey, please tell them Ruthie sent you.

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